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Signal Hut

Paul Carter was artist in residence at Royston Youth Action Between September 2000 and July 2001 during which time he worked with a group of boys from the Youth Action on the 'Signal Hut' project. 'Signal Hut' centred upon using Royston Spire as a radio transceiver to transmit and receive radio signals from space. The group worked together on the building of a radio control centre where audio messages were collected from residents of Royston and worked together on assembling of equipment which transmitted those messages from Spire Park into space on the 28th July 2001. The 'Signal Hut' project was completed with the installation of receiving equipment within the Spire which will emit a bright green light from the belfry of the spire should any reply be received.



Artists book by Paul Carter

40 pages, b/w
Designed by Paul Carter and Billy McCall
Published by The Centre on behalf of the Royston Road Project


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